On this page you will find all relevant media and resources related to the U20 and past U20 summits including news pieces, past communiqués and whitepapers.


The Urban 20 Communiqué is the main outcome document of the U20 initiative, as the only U20 product written and reviewed by all participating cities. It is an action-oriented document that includes U20 participating cities’ asks and recommendations to national governments on the most urgent urban issues including climate action, social inclusion and sustainable economic growth. The Communique is handed over to the G20 before the annual G20 Summit.
Cover U20 2023 Communiqué
Cover U20 2022 Communiqué
Cover U20 2021 Communique
Cover U20 2020 Communique
Cover U20 2019 Communique
Cover U20 2018 Communique

White papers

The white papers are non binding documents which provide general and non binding input to inform the U20 process. They are produced in 
collaboration with  partners, who commit to contributing significant resources, expertise and experience to support the U20 process.

Date Type Source Title
2018 White papers Urban challenges
2018 White papers Affordable housing in cities
2018 White papers Future of work in cities
2018 White papers Gender inequalities in cities
2018 White papers Inclusive growth in cities
2018 White papers Knowledge and policy for local development
2018 White papers Paris at local level
2018 White papers Subnational financing for cities
2018 White papers Transparency in cities
2018 White papers Upstream sustainable infrastructure
2018 White papers Urban mobility
2018 White papers Urban water resilience

Media announcement and press releases

The press releases are official announcements made by the U20 Executive Team to provide an official update on the U20 Process. For more media announcements from the conveners, please find below links to both C40 and UCLG’s media page:

Date Type Source Title
2024 Press release Urban 20 2024 - São Paulo - Press Release
2023 Press release U20 2023 Summit Press Release
2022 Press release U20 2022 Summit Press Release
2021 Press release Press Release - Mayors call on the G20 to deliver green, just and local recovery to COVID-19
2021 Press release U20 2021 Summit Press Release
2021 Media announcements and press releases U20 Co-Chairs Statement on Green and Just Recovery
2021 Media announcements and press releases Why G20 leaders must put cities at the heart of their recovery plans
2021 Media announcements and press releases U20 2021 Communiqué Release Press Release
2020 Press release U20 2020 Summit Press Release
2019 Press release U20 2019 Summit Press Release
2018 Press release U20 2018 Summit Press Release